Report Writing and Presentation of Evidence in Court

Once most of the investigation is over and the police are ready to take the case to court, there must be a case file which contains all of the information relevant to the case for a conviction. This case file will contain information on any previous convictions, therefore allowing those involved in the case to get a background opinion of everyone. Also included in the case file will be a detailed yet brief summary of the case, this will be written by one of the officers involved in the case.

One of the most important pieces of information contained in the case file is the detailed itinerary of all evidence, and details annotated images of the crime scene. The evidence contained in which will then have another separate section detailing all of the forensic analysis conducted on said information and what it tells. Once all of the information is gathered it can be presented to the jury by the Crown Prosecution Service.

This part of the investigation is crucial, as if the evidence being reported to the jury does not sound compelling then the jury will never believe it, which could therefore lead to an acquittal, therefore making this aspect very important.

The OJ Simpson Case

During the OJ Simpson case, the evidence was presented the court in this fashion, with the evidence being given by the Prosecution, Martia Clarke(lead) and the Defense Johnnie Cochran(Lead) ; however due to the unprofessional nature of the officers collecting the evidence, and the Forensic investigators 

collecting the data much of the evidence could not be used in court as it was clearly contaminated. Due to all of this evidence being unusable, OJ was acquitted of all crimes.